Wind Creek Rewards

Aspire to greater rewards

Wind Creek Rewards Membership is like nothing else! No other casino resorts offer Players the same level and variety of Rewards just for playing the games they love. Every point you earn brings you closer to amazing dining experiences, incredible getaways and giveaways, luxurious hotel stays, and more.

How It Works

Play more, earn more

Four tiers of Rewards with endless possibilities for fun and excitement. You’ll receive Express Offers that are personalized based on your play and preferences. That means more Rewards, more often. Finalize your Wind Creek Rewards account at PLAYER SERVICES.

  • Your Rewards points are redeemable at each Wind Creek Casino location in the U.S. and at our Caribbean resorts, Wind Creek Aruba and Wind Creek Curaçao.
  • Earn entries into casino promotions, including trip giveaways to any of our resorts.
  • Play online games for FREE and earn real-world Rewards.
  • Enjoy exclusive services, perks and cash discounts. Players receive tier status upgrades and Rewards based on play.
  • Tier benefits are based on your play from January 1st until December 31st each year.
  • Base-Points are redeemable at all Wind Creek properties for food and beverage, retail at Wind Creek branded outlets, and can be converted to Slot FREE Play right at the game.
  • Base-Points earned on tables are multiplied based on card level: Fantasy 8X, Delight 7X, Escape 6X and Play 5X
Play Earn
$5 on any slot or electronic bingo machine*
1 Tier-Point & Base-Point
$10 on any video poker machine*
1 Tier-Point & Base-Point
$1 in table game* theoretical**
2 Tier-Points & Base-Points
$1 in retail spend***
3 Tier-Points & Base-Points

*Electronic bingo machines, video poker and table games not available at all locations. See PLAYER SERVICES for details.
**Theoretical factors include time, average bet and type of game played.
***Valid at Wind Creek owned outlets only for cash/credit card purchases.

What’s New In 2025

What's new about Wind Creek Rewards in 2025? Choices! Check out this video to learn how you can earn more of what you want at every status level.

Benefits Play 0–19,999 Tier Points 0–20k Escape 20,000–74,999 Tier Points 20k–75k Delight 75,000–199,999 Tier Points 75k-200k Fantasy 200,000+ Tier Points 200K+
Earn Base-Points Redeemable for Food & Beverage or FREE Play check check check check
Food Credits After Earning 300 WPoints During a Visit $10 valid for the next 24 hours $10 valid for the next 24 hours $20 valid for the next 24 hours $25 valid for the next 24 hours
Exclusive Offers Personalized offers and hotel discounts based on rated play Exclusive ESCAPE member promotions Exclusive DELIGHT level promotions and parties Exclusive FANTASY level promotions and parties
Discounts 1 On cash purchases at Wind Creek Properties 10% off 15% off 25% off 50% off
Game reserve privileges 3 horizontal_rule 30 minutes for one machine 1 hour for one machine 2 hours for one machine
Birthday Bonus horizontal_rule $150 FREE Play $300 FREE Play $400 FREE Play
Access to spa lounge and fitness room 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
VIP Parking or Valet Parking 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
Access to Lounge 2 in high limits slots and table games saloon horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
Free Room Nights 9 at Wind Creek Properties horizontal_rule horizontal_rule 1 Night per month 2 Nights per month
Personal Host horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check
Tier-Level FREE Play horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule $200 per month
Guaranteed Dining Reservations 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check
No-Fee Check Cashing Privileges horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check
  1. Excludes all alcohol and tobacco sales. Excludes consignment items in gift shops. Does not apply when using the Wind Creek Promo Gift Card. Not available through all third-party outlets. Discount does not apply for spa services, but does apply for spa-related retail products. Additional exclusion may apply.
  2. Certain restrictions apply. Not available at all locations.
  3. Within a 24-hour period. Only one machine may be active at a time. Blackout dates apply. Wind Creek Bethlehem Escape Cardholders are eligible to reserve one machine for 30 minutes in the High Limit Room only.
  4. Available only at Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino.
  5. Must be booked in advance with host.
  6. Booked by Wind Creek Travel team. To book your trip, please call (844) 928-7477. Travel restrictions apply. This benefit may not be available for redemption at a property located in the same state of a player’s original sign-up.
  7. Up to $600 for Delight status. Management reserves the right to cap dollar amount of airfare credit.
  8. Subject to local laws.
  9. First come first served. Limited number of rooms available each night.
Benefits Play 0–19,999 Tier Points 0–20k Escape 20,000–74,999 Tier Points 20k–75k Delight 75,000–199,999 Tier Points 75k-200k Fantasy 200,000+ Tier Points 200K+
Access to Casinoverse Play as much as you want for free check check check check
Casinoverse WScore 50,000 each month 100,000 each month 250,000 each month 500,000 each month
Find Rewards for dining, hotel stays, spa visits and FREE Play check check check check
Access to hundreds of your favorite games, hidden treasures, bonus mini games, challenges and Quests check check check check
Participate in Tournaments, Drawings, & Auctions check check check check
Access to Community Managers who are ready to help you with questions and your Wind Creek experience check check check check
Keep up with Wind Creek Happenings and your Friends on the Wall check check check check
Check to See Rewards that are Available to You check check check check
Exclusive Tournaments, Drawings, & Auctions by Tier horizontal_rule check check check
Benefits Play 0–19,999 Tier Points 0–20k Escape 20,000–74,999 Tier Points 20k–75k Delight 75,000–199,999 Tier Points 75k-200k Fantasy 200,000+ Tier Points 200K+
Personalized offers & hotel discounts based on rated play check check check check
Priority line service 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
access to spa lounge & fitness room 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
One Stay at Any Resort 6 3 Nights discounted 3 Nights complimentary 5 Nights complimentary, for two 5 Nights complimentary, all-inclusive for two
Included in Resort Stay
Complimentary Ground Transportation horizontal_rule check check check
FREE Play or Match Play horizontal_rule horizontal_rule $50 per trip $100 per trip
Access to Wind Creek Aruba’s Private Island 4 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
Airfare Credit 7 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
Upgraded Room 9 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check check
Free Beverages 8 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check
Daily Dining Options 2 horizontal_rule horizontal_rule horizontal_rule check
  1. Excludes all alcohol and tobacco sales. Excludes consignment items in gift shops. Does not apply when using the Wind Creek Promo Gift Card. Not available through all third-party outlets. Discount does not apply for spa services, but does apply for spa-related retail products. Additional exclusion may apply.
  2. Certain restrictions apply. Not available at all locations.
  3. Within a 24-hour period. Only one machine may be active at a time. Blackout dates apply. Wind Creek Bethlehem Escape Cardholders are eligible to reserve one machine for 30 minutes in the High Limit Room only.
  4. Available only at Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino.
  5. Must be booked in advance with host.
  6. Booked by Wind Creek Travel team. To book your trip, please call (844) 928-7477. Travel restrictions apply. This benefit may not be available for redemption at a property located in the same state of a player’s original sign-up.
  7. Up to $600 for Delight status. Management reserves the right to cap dollar amount of airfare credit.
  8. Subject to local laws.
  9. First come first served. Limited number of rooms available each night.
Benefits Play 0–19,999 Tier Points 0–20k Escape 20,000–74,999 Tier Points 20k–75k Delight 75,000–199,999 Tier Points 75k-200k Fantasy 200,000+ Tier Points 200K+
Prime Tokens horizontal_rule 1 Prime Token upon achieving Escape status 2 Prime Tokens upon achieving Delight status 3 Prime Tokens upon achieving Fantasy status

3 Additional Prime Tokens earned at 400,000, 700,000 and 1,000,000 Tier-Points and for every 500,000 earned thereafter.

Prime Perk Benefits

1 Prime Token + 50000 WScore Required

$20 Free Play

per month

$50 Spa Credit

per month

$50 Food Credit

per month

One Room Night

at a Wind Creek Property per month Based on availability. Certain restrictions apply.
2 Prime Tokens Required

$50 Free Play

per month

$100 Spa Credit

per month

$100 Food Credit

per month

One Complimentary Cabana

per month

One Wind Creek Delight Trip

per month 2 Room Nights, $50 Spa Credit, $50 Food Credit per trip
3 Prime Tokens Required

$300 Free Play

per month

$400 Spa Credit

per month

$400 Food Credit

per month

One Wind Creek Fantasy Trip

per month 2 Room Nights, $200 Spa Credit, $200 Food Credit per trip

Prime Perks Rules

  • Once a Prime Token is earned, it must be redeemed by January 31st of the following calendar year or it expires.
  • Once redeemed, the guest retains the Prime Perk benefit for 12 months.
  • Once redeemed, the first Perk is available immediately and is valid for 30 days. Each subsequent Perk will be available the first of the month, valid for that month only.
  • Tokens may be saved to be combined with future Tokens for larger rewards.
  • Once a Token is redeemed for a Perk, it cannot be changed or combined with future Perks.

Certain restrictions apply. All Perks not available at all properties. See PLAYER SERVICES for full rules and regulations.

Express Offers

Express Offers from Wind Creek Rewards are designed so that you receive more offers, more often, based on your individual level of play. And there’s no waiting around to see what your next offer will be. Simply play and redeem your first offer, and you are instantly eligible for your next one!

How Express Offers Work

Offers are added directly to your Rewards account, and you’ll be notified by email, text message or mail. Want notification of your offers even faster? Download the Casinoverse app and we’ll send offers directly to your phone. Or simply view your offers when you sign into your account at your favorite game.

A woman celebrates after winning big on a machine

Frequently Asked Questions

Express Offers are personalized Rewards based on play that will learn your behaviors as a player and tailor the Rewards to you as an individual.
Express Offers evaluate each individual’s most recent play to reward players in real time. This allows for more Rewards more often.
The normal duration is 2-6 weeks per offer. Only one offer per type will be available on the player’s account at a time. However, players can earn multiple Rewards throughout each month based on play. There is no maximum limit to the number of daily offers a player can receive.
As soon as an offer is loaded on your Rewards account it is available to be seen on the Casinoverse app or via the website logged into your account. Make sure to allow for Push Notifications and Location Services on the app. Any Team Member at PLAYER SERVICES can also see what offers are available to you.
The more you play, the better offers you will be given.
The offers will vary in the types and in the amounts based on your individual behaviors. If you like to eat while on property playing, we will continue to send you food offers.
Offers are loaded in as little as 1 day after your last visit. You will receive a text, email, or check the app to see what will be available on your next trip.
Offers are valid up to 6 weeks, all depending on the offer. If it is not redeemed then the offer can expire. You can only get one offer of each type (food, FREE Play) at a time so you will not get another offer until you use the current one on your account.

View Terms & Conditions